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About the Design



Common humanity is embodied by the double helix shape of DNA – the inspiration for the USA Student Exhibit. The swirl of human existence mirrors the excitement of the creative process, reaching out to an audience to see and experience someone else’s world, someone else’s humanity, through the power of theatre.

To this end, United States of America proudly joins with Canada, Mexico and Quebec to form a NORTH AMERICAN exposition space for PQ2019.

For us, Theatre is the ultimate art form, and to borrow from the great playwright, Oscar Wilde, it is “…the most immediate way in which a human being can share with another the sense of what it is to be a human being”.

For the student exhibit from the USA, this common humanity is embodied in the shape of the double helix of DNA, the very thing that carries life, and unites us all as members of the human race. The spiral twisting shape suggests movement, evolution, and excitement – three attributes which also apply to young designers emerging into the profession.

The exuberance of the creative process mirrors the swirl of human existence with its energy, myriad possibilities and sense of hope, and we wish for our exhibit to embody those same ideals. As the theatrical process begins with INSPIRATION, so does our floor – messy, energetic, and covered with pages from the various scripts, stories, and inspirations for the projects exhibited. As ideas begin to form, and COLLABORATION commences, the ideas begin to rise using images of the design processes (sketches, renderings, graphics, plans, and charts). And as we move into PRODUCTION, and begin to share these ideas with an audience, so do the images as they rise, sharing photos from the various featured productions.

The selected designs of this exhibit were submitted by 33 designers, (27 women, 6 men). These designers are based in 19 different states in 12 different cities, and hail from 8 different countries. Indeed, there are ways that America still wishes (and needs) to be a melting pot, and we are proud of that.

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