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Giada Sun

Projection Designer — HOW TO PUT ON A SOCK

Giada is a theater artist and media designer whose dream was to perform Shakespearean monologues in parks. He aims to explore new technologies and unusual platforms for creating theatrical experience. Besides theater, he’s also interested in creating experimental game, interactive installation, and artificial intelligence generated art. His recent works have been nominated in Independent Game Festival Award and chosen for oral presentation in NeurIPS Machine Learning for Creativity and Design Workshop.

Giada is originally from Taipei, Taiwan, is currently working on his MFA in video/media design at Carnegie Mellon University (CMU), and is currently based in Pittsburg, PA.

HOW TO PUT ON A SOCK was directed by Rachel Karp at CMU in November 2017

This show was an interactive theatrical performance where audiences participate through anonymous, text-in polling to explore sex education and abortion policy across the United States. The script was created from Frank Wedekind’s classic play Spring Awakening and contemporary American sex education curricula. As the media designer, I led a design team to ideate and experiment with different patterns of audience participation. The goal was to encourage people with dissimilar background to join the larger discussions of the national issues within the play. We implemented a real-time polling system and created media contents as projection for the show to overcome the design challenges.

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